22th JUNE 2017


LOT 23445

Welcome | Overview | A first impression | Aden | Bahrain | Cilicia | Dubai | Egypt | Fezzan & Libya | Iraq | Jordan | Kuwait | Lebanon | Libya | Ottoman Empire | Qatar | Saudi Arabia | Sharjah & Fujeira | Syria | Tunesia | Yemen | Various | Contact

19.000 pounds (yes – unbelievable 9.500 kilograms) arrived here in Germany with the challenge to find a new good home for an estate with an incredible collection and holding of arabic philatelie starting about 1840 till 2013 (so over 170 years spanning fascinating philatelic story of that area) including Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morokko, Jordan and Trans-Jordan, Yemen, Holyland, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Persia, Tunisia, Fezzan, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, Aden, Ajman, Bahrain, Dubai, Fujairah, Kuwait, Ras al-Khaimah, Oman, Qatar, Sharjah, Umm al-Quwain and some others more.

In over 40 years the collector accumulated worldwide what he could get. He had a lot of plans to „play“ with it after he retired but he died too young and too early. He was a good customer of us (and many auction houses all over the globe from America to Asia and specialized dealers). A lot of good stuff he also bought at auctions in Switzerland.

He was a successful businessman – so he had the liquidity to buy most of the material he wanted. And he bought not only one – he often bought many similar and also hundreds of collections to improve his collection. Some would say he bought „like a vacuum cleaner“.

So over the decades he spent millions of dollars. He bought not only single stamps and covers – sometimes he bought full sheets till original packages from the post offices. While he had a lot of business in the Arabic countries he often bought „directly from the source“. All the material was stored carefully in a luxury home with air condition and humidity control – so the condition is really good.

If you ask about catalogue value:

It is very hard to guess – but we think the catalogue value is far beyond 100 Million Euros. More precisely we can answer the question about the numbers of albums, etc. We counted 1.624 albums, 629 smaller and medium boxes, 247 big huge plastic trunks, 170 original post office packets, 90 large folders and more boxes, etc.

Where is it stored and available for viewing:

Two rooms full at the top floor (next to Mr. Gärtners personal office) at our premises in Bietigheim-Bissingen and 2 big huge archival rooms with full glasfront in the famous Castletown Ludwigsburg only 10 minutes away from our main office. So viewing with good light is no problem.

Thinking of transportation questions:

As potential buyer you may think how to get it to you. Here is the answer: If requested from the potential buyer we would (after payment) pack all the material under our costs and ship it free (under our cost) to any destination in the world. WE WILL PAY THE PACKING, SHIPPING AND INSURANCE COSTS – so only if there are any customs fees to bring it into the country are on the buyer’s side.

In this collection there are hundreds of Specialty albums – the result of at least four decades of dedicated collecting by one of those rare individuals who set out to complete the Arabic world, virtually every country is represented for the years stamps were issued up to the end - 20th century.

There are tens of thousands of unused and used stamps carefully mounted with hinges or in hingeless mounts.

All Arabic countries and thousands of completely filled pages are contained in this massive collection, which is offered intact. It is impossible to describe every significant item in this collection, but the following overview will convey the “flavor” of the collection, as well as the scope and depth of representation. In hundreds of albums, not only did the collector try to obtain a single example of every stamp, he also augmented the collection nicely with varieties (including shades on early stamps), imperforate pairs, proofs, blocks (including plate blocks), and many covers, the early issues are starting mint and used, later issues are mostly mint (some stamps are present both ways), including many high cataloging stamps. Without any doubt, this is one of the largest collection and one of the most important stocks of Arabian countries that has been brought together in the last forty years.


1840 - 1967, extraordinary collection of ADEN and Dependencies, including parts of the Edwards Collection, all the stamps, covers, stationeries, PPCs, philatelic items and literature documenting the postal history of Aden on (exhibition) pages in more than 20 volumes, i.e. Indian stamps used in Aden (singles, pieces and covers), Aden stamps incl. rare varieties, FDCs, covers, and rare cancels incl. earliest dates of use, Kathiri State, Quaiti State, Islands of Kamaran and Perim, covers from Aden, to Aden or transit, Sea post, Airmail, Military mail, volumes incl. South Arabian Federation, Abu Dhabi et al., a special study of Aden stationeries, and a lot of more philatelic material. Interesting literature (Sea Post Offices by Allcock, or Proud‘s ‚Aden...‘ et al.), early incoming mail from Malta 1893, Sudan 1896, ottoman mail from Hudeidah Yemen 1896 with boxed „MALDIRIGE“, from Russia 1894, from Ceylon 1899. A plentiful collection of PPCs showing Aden aspects and a summary of Aden related items complete this lifetime collection of Aden phil. history.

“TRANSIT MAIL COLLECTION“ including mail routed via Aden, Sea Post Official mail, passengers mail, and Paquebot mail. ­Envelope from India 1857 with boxed “INDIA UNPAID“ to ­England, Mauritius Packet Letter stamp 1858 on mailship AZOF, Bombay to Mauritius 1864 bearing black “1/TO PAY“ ms. “VIA ADEN“, 1875 Calcutta to Mauritius “VIA BOMBAY & ADEN“ transit mark “POINT ADEN”, Italian answering card from Ahmedabad India to Massawa Eritrea 1890 with transit mark small “ADEN“ cds., Portuguese Mocambique 1891 to Germany with transit mark small “ADEN“ cds., German Seapost stationary with small “ADEN“ cds. to Ireland 1892, British East Africa stationery 1893 with transit mark small “ADEN” cds. to Germany, Indian reply card 1894 complete from Zanzibar with transit mark large “ADEN“ cds. to Netherlands, card 1894 complete from Zanzibar with transit mark large “ADEN“ cds. to Italy, German East Africa stationery 1897 with transit mark “ADEN” cds. to Netherlands, German Post Office Tsintau 1899 with transit mark “ADEN” cds. to Cape Colonies South Africa, Netherlands Indie stationary 1899 with transit mark “ADEN“ cds. to Transvaal, Ceylon Postcard 1901 with transit mark “ADEN“ cds. to Portuguese East Africa, Cape of Good Hope stationery 1902 with transit mark “ADEN“ cds. to Lamu East Africa, cover from French Indochina 1903 to Mahe Seychelles and refused with transit mark “ADEN“ cds., Stationery from Somaliland Field Force to Camp Poona India with transit mark “ADEN” cds., four covers from Somaliland Campains 4th Expedition 1903 - 1904 one tied by “FIELD POST OFFICE No.46“ via Berbera and Aden to England, 1905 Turkish post HUDEIDA violet cds. via Aden to Ayr Scotland, 1908 Turkish post SANA cds. via Aden to Berlin, Ethiopia 1909 postcard Addis Abeba via Aden to Asmara, 1921 Maritime disaster mail steamer Kalyan with violet “DEMAGED BY SEA WATER“, one of the most beautiful collections of Aden destinations ever made with very exotic mail routes.

“MAIL SENT FROM ADEN COLLECTION“ including mail from 1859 East India franking cancelled Aden Camp Type K2 to ­Surrey England, 1872 cover tied by “ADEN CANTONMENT 124“ to London, 1881 East India franking cancelled “Aden Camp B“ in squared bars type K10 to England, 1885 East India franking four stamps performing 3½ an. Rate cancelled “Aden Camp B“ in squared bars type K10 to and circle “T“ for postage due to England, fine Soldiers and Steamers envelopes as ship “AMOOR“, India stationeries, “ADEN STEAMER POINT - 124” in squared bars, “ADEN B-22“ duplex, registered mail with labels and registration marks, oneliner “INDIA PAID“ different types, “Egyptian Campain“ cover 1882, Michael Sullivan correspondence, franked and registered used telegram envelope to ­Mauritius, a very interesting collection. DUBAI

Good part with specimen and essays, color trial prints in blocks, imperf blocks, errors and varieties, double prints, imperf souvenir sheets, imperf stamps, blocks and sheets, good thematic, Kennedy 1964 with many overprint varieties in blocks and sheets, space and animals issues with color and trial prints in large blocks, Scouts 1964 souvenir sheet original artist sketches and color proofs, Scouts large imperf blocks showing varieties and errors, shifted prints, inverted overprints and overprint proofs on souvenir sheets (Athens 1963), 1964 Innsbruck inverted overprints, double and triple overprints, Olympics overprints with many varieties plate flaws and varieties, Scouts 1964 air letter „Specimen“ complete set and air letter with double overprint variety „Olympics Innsbruck“, Scouts postal stationery postcards with „Specimen“ handstamps, same cards with shifted print of brown color, 1964 space issue showing unique perforation errors and with „OUTER SPACE ACHIEVEMENTS“ overprints in blocks, perf and imperf, FDC, many issues with complete imperf sheets, UNO 10th anniversary large blocks with overprint types, 1964 port of Dubai in large sheets, 1964 World Exhibition New York in imperf corner margin blocks and with unofficial „In Memory of J.F. Kennedy“ overprints perf and imperf, 1966, international cooperation in complete sheets, 1964 overprinted Tuberculosis souvenir sheets multiples, the describer of this collection was very impressed of this important part Dubai, it is impos­sible to build such a collection again. SAUDI ARABIA AND FORERUNNERS „HEJAZ AND NEJD“

Starting with an exhibition collection “A PHILATELIC TREATISE OF THE PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA” including Hejaz Railway stamps 1904-21, first Government issues 1916 - 25, Nejd & Hejaz Sultanate issues 1926-34, Kingdom issues 1943 - 80.

The collection begins with the Hejaz railway tax stamps of ottoman empire and their fiscal usages on documents, several types and colors of this issue are shown specialized and very detailed, rare cancellations are documenting the railway stations from Damascus to Medina, there are Maan, Tabuk, Yanbo, El-Ula (blue on ottoman stationery), Djeddah, Mecca and Medina on piece, important covers with several types of „FEE PAID“ cancellations (KHALES AL-UJRAH) in black and red are on the next album pages, European and local governments have used different types of Hejaz railway revenues, these are shown on receipts, British Indian revenues I.E.F. for Mosul in complete sheet of 25 and on local cover to Bagdad, French mandate issues, 1924 2q. olive only recorded sheet ex Thoden, Hejaz railway tax stamps and locks mint and used, different types, “MINISTERY OF FINANCE” cancelled 11 different blocks of four up to 5.000 Pia. violet, 1922 complete sheets with margin, 1925 “EL HEJAZ” violet, red and black handstamped stamps and blocks, Jeddah Provisionals 1925 “KHATT” and “AL-HUKUMA AL HIJAZIA” handstamped, Nejd overprints “AL SULTANAT AL-NAJDIA” in violet and red including only recorded 2 pia. yellow overprinted in black ex Thoden, “MEKKE-I MÜKERREME” cancelled Hejaz railway stamps, 1925 Nejd unused postage and postage due blocks of four showing different types and very scarce stamps, 3q. violet mint block of 12 and used on cover, 1925 Titkar Jeddah overprints for postal use, 1925-26 very scarce usages on cover, 1926 issue for Pan Islamic Congress in Cairo including complete sheet of 5q., 1931 cover Mekke to Kuwait an unusual destination, early registered and “valeur declare” covers with very attractive frankings, scarce early registration labels and marks, 1948 complete sheet of 1q. blue, 1946 map issue complete sheets, 1976 - 81 Holy Kaaba imperf stamps pairs and blocks including unique items, same issue experimental booklets, early pilgrim issues and pilgrim envelopes, 1942 airmail Mecca to New York. Overall a very desirable collection of this popular field.

Next album showing „FEE PAID“ cancellations and postal history, 1916 censor cover Mekke to Egypt, 1916 „DJEDDAH 3“ cds. cover, 1917 overprinted issue on cover, rouletted issues on attractive multiple color franking covers, early censor labels and cancellations, 1925 two-line overprints on cover from Djeddah, registered mail 1925 from french post office in Alexandria with triangle „T“ and postage due in 4 blocks of four at Djeddah (highest recorded on cover!), 1918 very scarce cancelled blocks of four, many rare cancelations of small towns like El-Wajh, Confodah and Al-Aqaba, 1925 red overprinted 1pia. corner margin block of four on cover, 1924 unique „small three line“ overprints red and blue on piece, foreign cancellations of Jerusalem and Amman on Hejaz stamps, three line and four line overprints 1925 on pairs with Djeddah cancel, 1925 Nejd revenues showing Hejaz railway locomotive complete sheet of 2pia. red brown with margins, large blocks of ottoman Hejaz railway revenues, different contracts and documents bearing different ottoman Hejaz railway revenues with all Arabic seals. Ottoman all Arabic and modern type cancellations of EBHA, MEKKE-I MÜKERREME, TAIF, DJEDDA, MEDINE-I MÜNEVVERE, YAMBO, REBOUK, DERAA, MAAN, EL-ULA. 1939 registered air mail cover from DJEDDA via Port-Taufiq to Baghdad / Iraq with arrival mark (opened out for display), scarce franking of 1934/42 issue. Commercial mail with 1934/42 issue to New York and Algerie. The only recorded cover bearing the 1952 10 pia. error inverted center (SG 369a, Michel 41) from DAHRAN to USA. Airmail cover 1938 to Tripoli Libya, a very scarce destination. Registered censor mail 1943 from Mecque via Egypt to USA. 1950 registered air mail cover from Dhahran bearing the complete air mail set of 1949 to Beirut / Lebanon (Mi.29-34). Several early first flight covers including USA to Dhahran 1946. Some rare FDC with stamps and blocks of King Faisal in the 70ies. 1942 200 piaster brown on air mail cover from Dhahran to Beirut Lebanon, a very scarce franking. Good air mail and oil issues of the 70ies, very scarce detailed artist scetches and die proofs, early registered mail. EGYPT

Attractive part of Egypt Post Offices in Saudi Arabia including early pyramid issues used with „POSTE KHEDIVIE EGIZIANE GEDDA“ cds., Egypt Interpostal seals for GEDDA in different colors and types. 1944 First Flight Imperial Airways Cairo to Jeddah. An Egypt Philatelic History collection starting with „POSTA EUROPEA MANSURA“ covers, following first issues with multiples, imperfs, proofs with and without value imprint, reprints, scarce cancellations, several printing types, different positions of watermark, different perforations, margin stamps, over all an excellent study of the first stamps of Egypt. The second issue collected the same way with many scarce mint stamps, some expertised or certificates, 1 pia. red unaccepted Penasson essay envelope, typograph and litho printings, 1872 envelope from Mahalla, following issues with a wide range of colors and perforations, mint and used tete-beche pairs and one mint block of four 10 para. 1 Pound King Farouk block of four with misplaced perforation and many smaller values of this set showing same variety, 100 Mill. King Farouk block of four imperf and single set of six values imperf, 2 Mill. orange block of six with variety overprint „PALESTINE“ in green inverted, King Farouk air mail issue 12 values up to 200 Mills. grey all showing misplaced perforation, 2 Mill. orange and 4 Mill. green complete sheet with margins showing massive misplaced perforation, 1936 Anglo Egypt Treaty unique collection of rough scetches, pen and ink scetches and hand painted artist essay for the 20m. of this issue, Medicine 1928 FDC booklet, First railway issue of Egypt unique collection of rough scetches, pen and ink scetches and hand painted artist essays, „PAN ARAB JAMBOREE“ perf and imperf souvenir sheets, Zeppelin cover 1931 Caire to Saida Lebanon, 1948 S.A.I.D.E. overprinted 22m on 200m. grey complete sheet showing all plate flaws and S.A.I.D.E. airplanes FDC, modern souvenir sheets of the 70ies with unseen missing color varieties and original artist scetch 1989 signed, „back of the book“ collections including many Interpostal seals from a wide range of cities in different types and colors. A very impressing group of collections we can declare as a lifetime collection and impossible to rebuild. IRAQ

Starting with several covers “Overland Mail Baghdad Haifa” including registered mail, several types of cachets and labels, also very attractive early period frankings, uprated used early postal stationeries. Extremely scarce Turkey 1914 letter card reponse part from Bagdad to Basra with postage due and “Overland Mail” cds. Provisional registration labels with scarce types, early Specimen, revenues and British Occupation issues, documents with revenues, Children’s Welfare Ass. covers and imperf blocks, extremely scarce 1933 Zeppelin cover mixed with German Reich to Brazil, commercial imprint covers with Armenian and Judaica thematic, many different red crescent issues. 1934 issue King Ghasi I. unissued set of 15 values and same set with red overprint „SPECIMEN“, 1941 unissued value Lion of Babylon of 10 F. in 15 die proofs in different colors, 1941 unissued value Star of 75 F. in 14 die proofs in different colors, 1941 unissued value Mosque of 30 F. and 200 F. in 15 die proofs in different colors, 1941 unissued value Samara Great Mosque of 30 F. black die proofs, later issues with unique artist scetches. 1919 „Iraq in British Occupation“ on Turkey set of 14 values in mint blocks of four. Scarce early revenue stamps in complete sheets.

An excellent exhibition collection “OTTOMAN POSTAL HISTORY IN IRAQ 1840-1918” including registered letter with all Arabic “TELGRAF VE POSTAHANE-I AMARA 301” to Istanbul, all Arabic cancellation “POSTAHANE-I BAGDAD” on two registered covers with 2 pia. rate 1883 and 4 pia. rate 1890, boxed type “BAGDAD 81” on Duloz cover with ten postage due 1 pia. stamps, “BAGDAD TURQUIE” cds. on registered cover, “BAGDAD” oval type bilingual on registered cover to Istanbul 1901, “BAKOUBA” cds. on registered cover 1905 4 pia. rate, “BASSORA” cds. on registered bank cover 1912 3 pia. rate, “ERBIL” cds. on registered cover and official mail with Government seal, “KERBELA” blue negative seal cancellation on 1 pia. rate cover to Teheran, “KERBELA” cds. on 3 pia. avec response rate cover to Teheran 1892 issue, “KERKUK” cds. on 40 pa. rate cover to Üsküdar, , “KIAZIMIE” cds. on registered censor cover 1905, “NECEF” negative seal cancellation on 1 pia. rate cover to Istanbul, “KERKUK 81” all Arabic on official mail with Government seal, “MOSUL 81” all Arabic on Duloz covers to Diyarbakir, “SÜLEYMANIE” cds. on registered cover 1901.


Tatar Postal documents with cancellations of Mosul and Bagdad, pre-philatelic envelopes with cancellations “AN CANIB POSTAHANE-I BAGDAD”, “POSTAHANE-I BAGDAD” (with crescent), “AN CANIB POSTAHANE-I MOSUL”. Many cancellations are unseen on cover for many years, an excellent opportunity with very high retail value. SYRIA

French period in many albums, varieties and errors, scarce Aleppo local stamps, imperf sets, pairs and gutter pairs, many imperf margin pairs and blocks. 1923 “Poste Par Avion” typo overprinted complete sets on two air mail covers from Damas to Alexandrette and Cairo, 1922 “Poste Par Avion” violet handstamped four values on air mail cover. Green „AVION“ overprinted complete air mail set on 1924 registered cover from Damas to Caire, air mail issue 1926 with inverted overprints and many overprint varieties, double overprints, Paris Exhibition 1937 & air mails 1937/1940 imperf sets and pairs, 1938 souvenir sheets on two air mail covers registered to France, 1942 Independence set in imperf singles and pairs, air mail issue 1942 color trials in imperf se-tenant pairs and single die proofs without value, 1944/45 Law set and El Maari complete sets on cover, air mails 1946 in imperf pairs and most stamps with misplaced perforations, UNO 1954 in imperf sets, Rotary 1954 in imperf margin pairs, 1954 Damas International Fair and Port of Lataqia imperf sets, 1944 Shukri El-Kuwatli both values in single die proofs with value and imperf margin stamps, 1943 Syria United and mourning issue in imperf stamps and pairs, mourning double prints on front and back.

An attractive section with a collection of beautiful single die proofs and artist scetches mounted on card, few without value imprint, some signed by the artist, some with blocked-oud country name and value, including 1942 Independence 50 Pia. in black instead of 10 Pia. in grey and 50 Pia. in black instead of violet brown single die proofs artist signed and same stamps in black without value imprint, 1942 Independence artist signed die proof, 1944 souvenir sheet values „Shukri el Kuwaitli“ 200 Pia. in blue instead of brown lilac and 500 Pia. in brown instead of blue single die proofs artist signed, 1944 souvenir sheet two designs „Shukri el Kuwaitli and air plane“ artist sketches without value on cardboard, 1948 Military service single imperf die proofs in different colors than printed, 1948 “Damas Congress” imperf die proofs, 1947 archaeological congress imperf color trial proof with value, “Husni al Zaim” 1949 and “tank” 1955 single imperf die proofs mounted on card, over all 39 most important proofs and artist scetches of Syria semi-classic period. Later issues showing Progressive Color Proofs, hundreds of imperf stamps pairs and blocks. The Syrian part of this collection is undoubtedly of particular importance and value. FEZZAN / LIBYA

From early issues to modern, proofs, die proofs, composite proofs, margin imprints and sheets. Later issues with artist signed imperf trial proofs and approved notes of Bradbury Wilkinson on cardboard, imperf souvenir sheets and many specialties. KAMARAN & PERIM ISLANDS

“THE ISLAND OF TWO MOONS“ Collection bearing British India stationary 1925 via Aden to Edinburgh / Scotland, registered cover 1926 to Aden and 1929 to Amsterdam, registered censor mail during WW II to India, Aden Victory issue franking 1946 registered mail to England, Aden stationary air letter 1950 to England and a wide range of cancellation on later issues, registered mail, radio card and scarce stationeries. PERIM starting with very scarce early postcards 1900 and stationeries written in Perim and cancelled in Aden as usual, the first Perim date­stamp was introduced in 1914, a small but very difficult to make collection of this small island with a population less than hundred in this period. KUWAIT

From early overprinted issues to modern, margin imprints, ­souvenir sheets, there is also Back-of-Book, including Air ­letters, booklets, Special Deliveries, Postage Dues, Officials, good early FDC and a few Revenues. JORDAN

1930 King Abdullah (Sc.169-84) complete set including the very scarce high values on registered cover with “EAST OF JORDAN” censor mark (only few recorded), 1946 FDC of Independence set used registered from Amman (very scarce), Space complete perf. sheets with margins, religion issues with perf and imperf sheets, famous people complete perf. sheets with margins, Olympics complete perf. sheets and imperf blocks with margins mint and used, animals, sheeps, camels, horses and more in complete perf. sheets and imperf blocks with margins mint and used, Seoul Olympics in blocks with varieties, many issues with artist die proofs and color trials. LEBANON

Starts with Beyrouth prephilatelic envelope of turkish post, next album with a collection of beautiful single die proofs and artist scetches mounted on card, few without value imprint, some signed by the artist, including 1937 „Palace in Beit et Dine“ and „Acropolis of Baalbek“ single imperf die proofs, few without value imprint in other colors than printed, 1945 “Les Cedres“ single imperf die proofs, „heron“ 1946 imperf color trial proof without value, „Jounie and Serail“ 1947 and „bridge“ of 1950 single imperf die proofs mounted on card, over all 98 most important proofs and artist scetches of Lebanon’s semi-classic period are only the beginning of a collection build with high knowledge in geography and history of this area. PALESTINE

Wide range starting 1880 with forerunners Holyland up to ­modern times including: THE INTIFADA COLLECTION

First a large intifada collection. According to our expert, in the early 1990s donations were made to the PA, so they had ­intifada stamps printed. They had four types of sheets printed, perforated sheets (picture), imperforated sheets (picture), perforated sheets overprinted with slogans in different languages (picture) and imperforated sheets overprinted in many different languages (picture). There are four different designs/scenes in this collection. These designs/scenes are copies of 1927 stamps. These are Rachel´s Tomb (picture), Dome of the Rock (picture), the Citadel in Jerusalem (picture) and the Mosque at Tiberias (picture) Each set of stamps has 18 sheets with 18 different values, as the value changes the color of the stamp changes. The PA offered these sheets as gifts to whoever gave them a donation. They would give sometimes a corner of a sheet, half a sheet or possibly a whole sheet depending on the amount of the donation. This collection is organized into 31 items, mainly albums. Most of the albums each contain 8 sets of 18 sheets of 100 stamps. PALESTINE: 1994 - 2000

This large collection includes first day covers, envelopes, souvenir sheets and stamps from 1994 to 2000. In 1994 the German government printed Palestinian stamps as a form of donation to the Palestinian Authority. Whenever the PA needed funds and stamps the German government would donate ­these stamps and the PA would raise its funds from the sale of these stamps. They did this for 10 years. Once the donation had been fulfilled a large stock of these stamps, envelopes, ­souvenir sheets and first day covers remained for sale to dealers and collectors. The collection comprises a major part of this stock spanning from 1994 to 2000. These include in 1994 the Pal Officials (picture), in 1995 the Gaza-Jericho Peace Agreement (picture) and 50 years of Arab League (picture), also in 1995 Flags and Sites (picture) and Costumes (picture), in 1996 Elections (picture) and Olympia Atlanta (picture) , in 1997 the Birds (picture) and Hong Kong returns to China (picture) also in 1997 Friends of Germany Mother Teresa (picture), in 1998 Medicinal Plants (picture) and Baal (picture) and Butterflies (picture), in 1999 Horses (picture) and the Wye Treaty (picture), in 2000 the Papal Visit (picture), Marine Fauna (picture), and the Bethlehem 2000 Easter and Christmas booklets which were for sale only in Bethlehem (picture). The collection also includes Arafat Berlin 1996 and 2000, and the 4 Fairytales stamps of Aladdin and the magic lamp, Sinbad the sailor, Ali Baba and the forty thieves, and the magic horse. This part of the collection is contained in over 200 picture boxes (size of a shoe box). ARAB STAMPS WITH PALESTINE OVERPRINTS

This part of the collection consists of a mixture of Palestine stamps and stamps from other Arab countries with Palestine overprints. In 1948 several Arab countries like Egypt, Jordan and Syria overprinted stamps with Palestine. In 2004 the PA began creating their own stamp, so in 2004/2005 they started printing stamps in Gaza and Ramallah. There are a few albums of a variety of the more common Palestinian stamps. It also includes very old Post Cards. SHARJAH & FUJEIRA

A huge stock of imperf color trial proofs of animals, cats, dogs, butterflys, horses and birds. Kenmore´s Collection of rare Progressive Color Proofs from Sharjah, 26 values in perf and imperf color trial proofs. Apollo 8 space issue souvenir sheets die proofs and color ­proofs, birds in complete sheets with missing inscription, ­Mexico Olympics 1968 black / white proofs of unissued values, original artist scetches of science and space issues, composite proofs of flowers & mythology, souvenir sheets with ­partially missing and complete missing perforations, air mail souvenir sheets with double triple and shifted perforations, imperf ­color trial proofs in blocks, complete sheets with overprint “IN MEMORIAM JOHN F. KENNEDY 1917-63“, “History of Space“ issue goldprints and varieties, “History of Cars“ 1971 imperf composite proofs on cards, “Football Stars“ imperf composite proofs on cards, “John F. Kennedy“ many stamps and souvenir sheets imperf, color trials, phase prints, “Music & Composers“ single die proofs, color trials and imperf blocks, “Scouts“ many stamps, blocks and souvenir sheets imperf, color trials, phase prints and archive material, “Sports & Olympics“ including ­Tennis, Baseball, Golf, Basketball, Boxing imperf die proofs. TUNISIA

From early period to modern, proofs, single die proofs and epreuve de luxe, composite proofs, margin imprints and sheets. Later issues with imperf trial proofs on cardboard, imperf souvenir sheets and many specialties. YEMEN

First issues in complete sheets and large blocks, usage on newspaper „El Yaman 1347“ 1930, early overprinted issues in complete sheets, „SPECIMEN WATERLOW & SONS LTD.“ on ­early issues, 1947 Palace issues several sunk die proofs signed by artist and complete set of three unissued values in complete sheets (Mi.I-III), 1948 handstamped overprints (Mi.97) 4B. on 1B. complete mint sheet, 1949 UNO issues in complete sheets, some imperf, 1952 King Ahmet in complete imperf sheets with margin, 1952 buildings two scarce booklets, 1954 official air plane overprinted 10 B. blue orange complete mint sheet, ­early covers with good postal history, post offices from the eastern protectorate, mail from Shibam, Seiyun, Tarim and Shihr, Kathiri state secretary official mail.

Excellent part specimen and essays, die proofs, artist sketches and working material including original photos, sunk die proofs, presentation sheets, imperf souvenir sheets in large original printing sheets including six or nine blocks, imperf stamps, blocks and sheets, scarce registered mail and early air mails, ship mail in the Gulf region including „Euphrat & Tigris steam navigation“, Persian Gulf Line, 1930-40 issues in perf and imperf blocks of four, 1939-45 handstamped overprints in blocks of four mint and used, airmail overprints in blocks, 1961 ­Marib issue in imperf blocks of four, 1963 space issues in imperf blocks.

Yemen Kingdom 1962 several issues airplane over Sanaa with overprints „FREE YEMEN FIGHTS FOR GOD IMAM & COUNTRY“ in complete extremely scarce sheets. 1964 King Ahmed I. three values with handstamped overprints „FREE YEMEN FIGHTS FOR GOD IMAM & COUNTRY“ in complete extremely scarce sheets (Michel 82-84, cat.value 3.000,-Euro), many other issues with these overprint are enclosed in pairs and blocks. 1964 Telegraph and Telefon Union 4 B. brown red with black overprint „FREE YEMEN FIGHTS FOR GOD IMAM & COUNTRY“ in complete extremely scarce sheet (Michel 85, cat.value 5.000,-Euro).

Condition in the hundreds of albums is somewhat mixed, particularly among the early issues, the 20th Century imperf stamps and blocks are usually Fine-Very Fine, with many Mint N.H. stamps to be found, overall a valuable and worthwhile collection that should be carefully inspected.

Our conservative estimate is based on the fair market value of the stamps if they were offered in typical individual lots and small country collections. The estimate does not reflect the extraordinary opportunity to acquire a Arabia collection of this vast scope and depth in one lot. Filling page after page with the sets and scarce issues found in this collection took decades and, if attempted incrementally, would take an equal amount of time. For someone who loves stamps and wants a “turn-key” Arabic collection on which to build, this is a unique opportunity. Needless to say, for a dealer with the means to make a substantial investment, its acquisition within, or even above, our estimate range holds certain potential for a substantial resale profit.

For this exceptional lot a special catalog is available which can be requested by serious interested parties.

Christoph Gärtner proudly presents IBRA 2021 CG Logo

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